3 Harsh Facts About Long-Distance Relationships

Long-distance relationships can be tough, but they can also be incredibly rewarding. Here are three harsh facts about long-distance relationships that might make you reconsider whether or not you want one: distance keeps things exciting, distance makes the heart grow fonder, and distance makes the relationship last. If any of these are reasons enough for you to try a long-distance relationship, read on for more details on how to make it work. There’s no wrong way to go about long-distance relationship – as long-distance lovers, you’re in control!

Distance keeps things exciting

Long-distance relationships can be a really tough ride. But make no mistake – distance keeps things exciting. As long as you’re connected in some way, you’re never too far away from each other. This means that communication is key in any relationship – long or short distance – and staying together through thick and thin is what makes it work! That said, distance keeps things exciting by keeping the romance alive. Long-distance relationships are a great way to show your love for each other, and distance can also be a factor in increasing the intensity of the relationship. So long as you’re both willing to make the effort, distance can be a great thing for your relationship!

Distance makes the heart grow fonder

Long-distance relationships can be tough, but they’re also incredibly rewarding. That’s because distance makes the heart grow fonder. By challenging each other and making the relationship stronger in the process, distance relationships are sure to last. Make sure you keep communication open by sharing your thoughts and feelings honestly and don’t give up on each other. In the end, you’ll be glad you did.

Distance makes the relationship last

Long distance relationships can be difficult, but they can also be incredibly rewarding. The key is to use these harsh facts to your advantage and make your relationship work. For starters, distance does not have to break your bond. You can keep up with each other’s lives via text or phone, but it doesn’t compare to being together in person. Secondly, research has shown that relationships that are distant tend to last longer than those that are closer. The lack of face-to-face interaction can actually lead to a decrease in the quality of the relationship. But don’t despair; with a little bit of effort, long distance relationships can be incredibly fulfilling. Keep the love alive by using these tips to make your relationship work:

Frequently Asked Questions

Long distance relationships are harder on the emotions and mental health than close ones

There’s no doubt that long distance relationships are harder on the emotions and mental health than close ones. A study by the University of Utah found that long distance relationships are more emotionally and mentally taxing than close ones. Specifically, long distance relationships are more difficult when it comes to dealing with stress, anger, and cortisol levels. These tough emotions can take a toll on the mental health of both partners in a relationship – causing tension, communication issues and misunderstandings. Additionally, long distance relationships often lack intimacy and physical contact which can also lead to emotional issues.

Long-distance relationships are more difficult to maintain because there is less physical interaction

One of the difficulties in maintaining long distance relationships is the lack of physical interaction. This lack of contact can lead to a decrease in oxytocin levels, which decreases the bond between partners. Additionally, communication can be done through technology which can often be less satisfying than face-to-face interactions.

Roughly 75% of all long-distance relationships fail in the first year

Based on the data above, Roughly 75% of all long-distance relationships fail in the first year. However, if you’re prepared for the challenges that come with this type of relationship and are willing to put in the work, then it can be really rewarding in the end. Here are a few tips to help make long distance relationships work: 1. Make sure you have a solid communication plan in place – Long distance relationships rely heavily on good communication between the two parties in order to function effectively. Make sure to set up regular times to chat so that both of you are constantly kept in loop and know what’s going on. 2. Set realistic expectations – Don’t expect love at first sight or perfect chemistry. This type of relationship is built on trust, commitment, and intimacy, and requires a lot of effort from both partners. Be prepared to put in the work! 3. Seek out support – It can be really tough to maintain a long distance relationship, but there are plenty of resources available online that can help you along the way. reach out to friends, family members, or even online dating services for support.

Distance creates a lot of stress that can quickly wear down the relationship

Distance can quickly wear down the trust factor in a relationship, making it difficult for both partners to confide in each other. Apart from the usual daily stresses that come with being in a relationship, long distance couples also have to cope with geographical and time differences. Couples usually facecommunication problems owing to the different time zones they’re located in. Long-distance relationships are known to be more stressful than short-distance ones.


Long-distance relationships can be a beautiful thing, as long as you’re prepared for the challenges that come with them. Although distance can keep things exciting, it can also make the relationship grow fonder and last longer. Make sure to discuss any challenges that you foresee in your relationship with your partner before jumping in. And, as long as you’re both willing to work through them, long-distance relationships can be the perfect relationship type for you!

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