Best Life Hacks for Work

Best Life Hacks for Work

Working efficiently is key to success in any job. No matter what industry you work in, implementing some helpful life hacks can make your workday run more smoothly.

From better organization to effective time management, small tweaks to your routine can have a big impact.

This article outlines the top work life hacks to boost your productivity.

Streamline Organization

Use Apps and Tools for Reminders and Lists

Rather than jotting down reminders on scraps of paper that often get lost, take advantage of helpful apps.

Google Keep allows you to make different lists for personal and professional to-dos.

Trello helps you manage projects by creating visual boards. These types of programs help you stay organized.

Calendar Block Your Time

Don’t just book meetings and appointments in your work calendar.

Actually block out time for your other tasks and priorities.

This could be an hour for checking emails, 30 minutes for completing a report, or days dedicated to a big project.

Seeing these time blocks in your calendar reminds you to focus on important items.

Utilize Note Templates

If you regularly create similar documents like reports, presentations, or emails, set up templates with standard formatting and sections.

This way, you don’t have to recreate the structure every time.

Simply open your template and customize the content. Using templates is an excellent time-saving hack.

Improve Time Management

Complete “Eat That Frog First”

Organize your daily to-do list by tackling the biggest, most difficult, or most disliked task first.

Just like if you had to eat a frog, you’d want to do it first thing to get it over with, do the same with less pleasant work.

This helps you feel accomplished and prevents procrastination.

Take Focused Breaks with Purpose

Allowing your mind to regularly rest for even just a few minutes helps boost productivity tremendously.

However, don’t just scroll social media or chat with coworkers.

Spend break time purposefully, like meditating, stretching, snacking, or responding to personal emails. Then, easily transition back into work mode.

Batch Similar Tasks

Gather up tasks that can be done in the same context and work on them together.

For example, make all your phone calls back to back or write all your emails at once if possible.

Staying in the same mindset saves a lot of time shifting between gears and contexts.

Foster Better Work Habits

Start and End the Day Right

Avoid beginning your workday by getting sucked right into emails or other people’s priorities.

Similarly, don’t end the day by just shutting down your computer in a rush.

Bookend with intention – come in early to set your own agenda and priorities or leave a little early to organize and prep for the next day.

Keep Your Energy Up

Make sure to regularly eat, drink water, move around, get fresh air, and chat with positive people.

Seems simple, but remembering to attend to basic needs helps sustain energy and centers focus throughout long workdays.

Going for a short walk or talking through a problem with a coworker can work wonders.

Leave Your Desk

Get into the routine of leaving your desk for lunch every day, even if you eat at your desk otherwise.

The short mental break from your normal spot refreshes the mind.

Use the time away to think big picture or brainstorm creative ideas. Coming back feeling inspired keeps motivation and morale up.

Implementing even a few of these helpful hacks can seriously enhance your work routine.

Small tweaks add up to big results over time.

Pay attention to what specifically drags your productivity down and test out relevant solutions.

Find the techniques that function best to streamline your workflow.

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